Archive for July, 2011

When I was younger I was instilled with a love of travel, adventure and learning new stuff. While this is a wonderful attitude I have found that many of the people (students) that I meet and talk to who share the same interested/goals/desires that I do are held back by the reality that most times […]

OK the only reason I am repeating this recipe is that I just wanted to show another approach you could take. I made an angel food cake rainbow coloured today, simply to make it from scratch and see if it works the same way. Also for some mysterious reason the idea of  a techo-coloured angel […]

This one is for my wonderful sister who asked for a different way to cook chicken. I got the idea from a friend of mine who fried up some chicken in a spiced hot chocolate mix. It is a great idea I have always wanted to try!

This morning I was going through one of my favorite food blog browsers when I came across a really delicious looking recipe for a Iced Mexican Coffee which came with the instructions to make a hot coffee drink called Cafe de Olla. Recipe here Here is how I reproduced the recipe

So the other night me and some friends were having lasagnia and we didn’t have any lettuce to make a Cesar salad so I looked in the fridge and figured I would do something with Zucchini. So here it is!

So I was sitting out on my ‘porch’ this morning having some nice lemon iced tea and eating cherries when a great idea came about. Cherry Lemonade!

Alright, this one isn’t really a new idea and it was my roommate’s idea for us to try it, but none the less it turned out very well and I wanted to share. This takes your regular boxed white cake and turns it into a psychadelic colour show ina few easy steps!

Well, it’s sunny and I am not working So!  I went to the beach with a buddy and had a fantastic picnic. We a small container of fresh fruit, cheese, crackers salami, pasta salad (recipe below) and a jug of mango black iced tea. I suppose it is a bit odd but I add milk […]

There are lots of places that a person could find a very cool and well weathered window frames. Basements and crawlspaces of apartment buildings, abandoned houses, antique shops? (I have no actual idea about that one). But these suckers are fantastically useful! And look great. I came across 4 large white washed four pane window […]

This is one of my favorite cookie recipies. It is quick and simple and you can go from wanting cookies to eating cookies in a half hour and only dirty a small handful of dishes! Who could ask for more from a cookie? Oh and did I mention that it is absolutely delicious every time?