Archive for the ‘Crafty Things’ Category



For the past few weeks I have had the idea of long dangley clock hand earrings bouncing around in my head and the other day at work I made them. I switched the pendents out of a pair of earrings I already had with some long antique clock hands that I found at an antique shop in […]

There are lots of places that a person could find a very cool and well weathered window frames. Basements and crawlspaces of apartment buildings, abandoned houses, antique shops? (I have no actual idea about that one). But these suckers are fantastically useful! And look great. I came across 4 large white washed four pane window […]

At my school there is a ceremony for graduating students called the X-ring ceremony (guess what it is all about). One of my fellow students mentioned the other day that she had found the style she wanted to sport for her nails for that event, which is what put me in mind of me and […]