

So, one major down side of small town living is the limited range of food to chose from. Now this morning I woke up with those tell tale feelings that you are getting a cold. Now my natural response to feeling a cold coming on is to run to the closest Vietnamese food place and get a giant bowl of pho. Of course, being where I am there is no local Vietnamese place, or any vague proximity.
Therefore, I made pho! And this is how I did it.

You will need
2 cup water
6 cups stock
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
1 tsp keffir lime powder (though if you can use 1 fresh keffir lime leaf)
1/3 cup rock sugar (I just uses raw sugar)
5 cardamom pods
1 stalk lemongrass
Sriracha sauce or chili flakes
Your choice of meat (I used two cubed chicken breast)
1/2 cup fish sauce

a few slices of fresh ginger root

3 cloves of mashed garlic

Vermicelli rice noodles
Blanched, soaked bean sprouts
Green onion

Toss in everything other than the chicken, noodles, bean sprouts and green onions. Let it simmer for 30 minutes on medium to low heat. Strain out the larger chunks and add the chicken. Let it continue to simmer until the chicken is cooked.

Prepare the noodles as instructed on their packaging.
Put it all in a bowl and enjoy!!


2 Responses to “Pho!”

  1. 1 Nick

    Always wondered how to make pho, nice guide!

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