Archive for the ‘Good Ideas’ Category

Well citizens of the Internet I realize it has been well over a year since I last brushed the cobwebs off this ol blog and put something up for your enjoyment. A major part of that was that I moved. Not around the corner but to a whole new continent. While life h been interesting […]

So, it is November. A dark and dreary time of year in students life, and so to combat the feeling of absolute hopelessness I made some cookies. But not just any cookies. These are the mother load and so to not keep you from these delicious things a moment longer I give to you the […]



So, one major down side of small town living is the limited range of food to chose from. Now this morning I woke up with those tell tale feelings that you are getting a cold. Now my natural response to feeling a cold coming on is to run to the closest Vietnamese food place and […]

Hey guys, I just whipped this baby up and it was delicious so I thought I would share. Sorry I have been more absent lately. I am rather busy right now but  I am expecting that some day soon I will have an explosion of pent-up culinary energy. So watch out. haha What you will […]

I have been trying to get the most out of the end of the summer these last few weeks. This has led my friends and I to go out to one of the local beaches on a very regular basis. The other day we hatched a plan to make dinner together every Sunday night, and […]



For the past few weeks I have had the idea of long dangley clock hand earrings bouncing around in my head and the other day at work I made them. I switched the pendents out of a pair of earrings I already had with some long antique clock hands that I found at an antique shop in […]

The other day I lost the backing to a really nice pare of earrings that I was wearing that day. I lucky found the earring front but, of course, the backing was gone. It was here that the elastic band saved my day. If you take a wider elastic band (at least 2mm wide) trim […]

When I was younger I was instilled with a love of travel, adventure and learning new stuff. While this is a wonderful attitude I have found that many of the people (students) that I meet and talk to who share the same interested/goals/desires that I do are held back by the reality that most times […]

Alright, this one isn’t really a new idea and it was my roommate’s idea for us to try it, but none the less it turned out very well and I wanted to share. This takes your regular boxed white cake and turns it into a psychadelic colour show ina few easy steps!

Well, it’s sunny and I am not working So!  I went to the beach with a buddy and had a fantastic picnic. We a small container of fresh fruit, cheese, crackers salami, pasta salad (recipe below) and a jug of mango black iced tea. I suppose it is a bit odd but I add milk […]