Archive for September, 2011

Hey guys, I just whipped this baby up and it was delicious so I thought I would share. Sorry I have been more absent lately. I am rather busy right now but  I am expecting that some day soon I will have an explosion of pent-up culinary energy. So watch out. haha What you will […]

Continuing on my quick, easy, cheep and filling theme I found what looked like a delicious soup on tastespotting the other day and decided to give it a go. With winter fast approaching I see this becoming a staple with my carrot ginger soup and stone soup. I was also so eager to give this […]

I have been trying to get the most out of the end of the summer these last few weeks. This has led my friends and I to go out to one of the local beaches on a very regular basis. The other day we hatched a plan to make dinner together every Sunday night, and […]



For the past few weeks I have had the idea of long dangley clock hand earrings bouncing around in my head and the other day at work I made them. I switched the pendents out of a pair of earrings I already had with some long antique clock hands that I found at an antique shop in […]

I have been reading food blogs for a while now and until now had never actually encountered a real live Snickerdoodle, but I was always reading about them  on other food blogs. So I took matters into my own hands and made some. So here is my rendition of Chai Spice Snickerdoodles by the Novice Chef (