

For the past few weeks I have had the idea of long dangley clock hand earrings bouncing around in my head and the other day at work I made them. I switched the pendents out of a pair of earrings I already had with some long antique clock hands that I found at an antique shop in Toronto. It was pretty much that simple. They look great and now I am hooked!

So I just made a decently sized order of items off etsy to allow me to make more neat things! If there is anything anyone would like me to make or see something you would like to own get in touch with me!

4 Responses to “Earrings!”

  1. 1 Simmon Li

    Looks good!

  2. 2 explosorus

    Dude these earrings are super awesome, I want a pair!

  3. 3 Anonymous

    There are very neat. Maybe Christmas????

  4. 4 Karen Grant

    These look amazing. I can image something like this under the Christmas tree.

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